Guide to the Pre-Move Purge

The Complete Guide to the Pre-Move Purge

Moving often awakens a certain sense of longing and bittersweet feelings. We need to say goodbye to so much, and we might not feel ready for that. However, getting rid of knickknacks that you’ve held onto for too long during a pre-move purge can feel good. It’s challenging work, but once you’re done, there’s a sense of accomplishment that’s unmatched. Let’s go over some of the critical milestones that should make this process fly by in an instant.

Being organized is key

Of course, the first thing that any pre-move purge needs is a good plan. Although it may not seem all that necessary at first, you’ll soon come to realize just how much writing everything down helps. The best way to approach this is to create a timetable. It’s better to make plans that are as strict as possible. You’ll surely need to move some things around as moving preparations slowly progress, but you’ll have much better chances for success if you stick to your plans.


Before you begin clearing out all your items, you’ll need to divide them into categories. Of course, the best and most thorough way to do this is to make an inventory. Start by dividing all your belongings into specific categories. Your home will probably be a bit messy during this time, but it’s all for the best. 


There’s no successful pre-move purging without good old labeling. What puts people off from labeling their belongings is that they think it’s a complicated process that includes a label maker and a lot of time and effort. In reality, all you need is a marker that won’t smudge. Simply writing down what each box contains will do just fine. This will make all the difference when the time to unpack comes.

A bunch of labeled boxes
Pre-move decluttering is much easier if you remember to label your items.

Get to the messiest bits first

Another mistake that you should try to avoid is leaving the dirtiest places in your home for the end. No matter how much you wish to put this off, do it first. 

● Pantry

Your pantry has probably suffered through years and years of clutter that you cannot even recognize anymore. Whose hasn’t? Unfortunately, the time has come to deal with this mess.

● Closets

Since you probably own endless amounts of clothing you haven’t looked at in years, your next stop should be your closet. 

● Basement, attic, garage

Finally, there’s the dreaded trio. Clearing and cleaning out your basement, attic, and garage won’t be easy. However, once you’re done, you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment.

A person clearing out their closet.
Although clearing out your closet is dull and tiresome, it’s imperative in a pre-relocation purge.

Maintain cleanliness during the whole process

Moving out of your previous home and into your new one can get pretty messy. The biggest favor you can do for yourself is to make this a clean process. Although it’ll require a bit more effort and time, cleaning up your home before and after the move will make everything run more smoothly. This will also reduce any chances for mistakes. 

Hire a professional cleaning company

If you’re too occupied by all the moving ventures or have too many obligations to even begin to think about a pre-move purge, you can always hire professionals to help you. What’s more, this will ensure that you get the best results possible. Remember, it’s essential to meet with the team you’re looking to hire and talk through everything beforehand. Tell them what your expectations are and where your priorities lie. 

Use sustainable packing materials for your pre-move purge

Of course, the fact that you’re in a rush and wish to do the best job possible doesn’t mean that you should be irresponsible. Even if it’s in the smallest of ways, make sure to use sustainable materials to reduce your carbon footprint during the relocation. We need to look after our planet, no matter what we are doing. 

Recyclable boxes that are great for packing your items during a move.
Make sure to use recyclable materials during your relocation.

Store your items in a unit while relocating

Although a relocation as grand as the one from Brooklyn to Florida will require a lot of tiresome preparations, you need to find ways to get rid of all the junk in your home in the best way possible. To achieve the most affordable transfer, it might be best to store your things in a unit for the time being. This way, you’ll give yourself enough time to think everything over and make important decisions with a cool head.

This isn’t the end

Once you’ve achieved all that you wanted during the pre-relocation purge, your efforts are still needed. Make sure to devise a plan that’ll help you always have a clean home. All the tips and tricks you’ve had to use along the way are still applicable. Once the time comes for some seasonal cleaning, make sure to declutter and clean your home thoroughly. The more frequently you do this, the easier it’ll be. 

Double-check everything

Whether you’ve just finished making your inventory list, packing, or decluttering your items, a good bit of advice is to always double-check everything. It won’t take away too much of your time, but you’ll be able to find peace in the fact that there won’t be any surprises along the way. 

A person double-checking their inventory list.
Make sure to double-check any important parts of your pre-relocation purge.

Donate or sell some of your items

Of course, not all of the items that you don’t wish to keep need to be considered trash. In fact, your pre-move purge can prove to be pretty fruitful if you let it. You can always donate or even sell some of the things that look like they have some value. The fact that you no longer have use for something doesn’t mean that no one else does. 

Author bio: 

Stephen Jones has found great success as a co-owner of three different janitorial services over the past two decades. During this time, he’s gathered unparalleled experience which he’s used to expand his businesses. Now, he’s on a mission to give back to his community by offering advice that’ll help people organize their homes easily and effectively.

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