The key to effective management isn’t always easy. Remember back to the beginning of your career, it’s probable that you were solely responsible for your own work and no one else, well it’s now your time to lead, inspire, and motivate your own workforce to accomplish a set of goals for the company you are tasked to lead.
Well, not so fast!
Not everybody is easy to manage, and making sure everything is operating smoothly without a glitch can often prove challenging.
Let’s explore how you can be a great manager who exemplifies excellent leadership and authority, all the while maintaining proper respect from their peers? Here’s a few ways you can achieve effective management.
1) Relationships are key
It’s vital to get to know your team individually, and not only professionally but also on a personal level too. When you make an effort in to really get to know your colleagues, what they are doing and what they are interested in, it will establish better relationships among the team.

2) Communication is key
Constantly keep your employees in the loop pertaining to ongoing goals, projects, and deadlines, so it’s important to clearly communicate with them and inform them of all important information within the organization. It’s also important that you encourage them to give their feedback. Your staff must feel that they can approach you at all times with any questions or problems they may have or that they want you to address. Making yourself accessible and communicating with your staff is critical.

3) Be yourself
Your team doesn’t expect you to be superhuman, so if you’re feeling the pressure and need a helping hand, don’t be afraid to admit it and if you make a mistake, own up! By showing the human side of yourself and allowing your staff to get to know you a bit better, your team will feel more relaxed and comfortable approaching you.

4) Reward achievement
Don’t be one of those managers who only speaks up when you’ve got something bad to say or criticize! By providing your staff with positive feedback it will help to build their confidence and encourage them to get more involved in the future, so it’s vital that you acknowledge their achievements and the effort that they are putting in. Encourage creativity and ensure that everyone is clear about what is expected of them.

5) Delegate jobs effectively
We’ve already covered how important it is to clearly communicate, and it is also vital that you establish a good relationship with your entire team and take the time to get to know them individually. This will enable you to more effectively assess their strengths and understand their weaknesses. People ae more productive and are more end up in roles where they feel more engaged when they are utilizing their best skills. Delegating the proper responsibilities and functions that well suit each team member will have a significant positive impact on the productivity of the company.

6) Be the decision maker
A great leader will be proficient in asserting their authority and will take the lead in making important decisions for the team. There is no room for indecisiveness in a leadership role, so it’s important that you remain steadfast with your input as to what you feel is best for the overall business.

7) Lead them by example
Your team will always look for your guidance and inspiration, and it’s crucial that you consistently set a good example to garner their respect. If you want them to present themselves more professional and be more committed and proud of their work, it’s vital that you set that example yourself. Make sure that you are doing your best job possible, and continue to develop your own career and then you will automatically support your team to do so too.

Want to be a better manager?
Well, there are as many answers to that question as there are managers.
But let’s highlight a few suggestions:
- Improve the way you relate with your team
- Develop great conditions for your team to do great work
- Understand your teams personal strengths & challenges
- Consider it all as a game & dominate with a winning team

Be the best manager possible:
- Lead your team with confidence.
- Get personal and go deeper.
- Create conditions to be a better manager.
Now it’s your time to lead, inspire, and motivate your own workforce to accomplish a set of goals for the company you are tasked to lead. Let’s explore how you can be a great manager who exemplifies excellent leadership and authority, all the while maintaining proper respect from their peers? Here’s a few ways you can achieve effective management.
Leadership, management, team, what is leadership,